Monday, April 21, 2008

Choosing a Good Bottle of Wine

For some reason I keep on comparing the choice of a new leader of the Malta Labour Party to that of choosing a good bottle of wine. I know this might sound strange but believe me that I am not trying to be some type of wine expert or connoisseur.

There are mainly two types of wines to choose from. Either you can go for a fresh white or a mature red. It is quite simple, ofcourse if you don’t want to complicate things and go for a rose. But let’s forget about the rose for now.

The basic truth is that choosing your preferred bottle of red or white certainly requires a different approach. The newer your bottle of white is, the better. But the older it is, the unfortunate risk is that the worst it can get. But a good bottle of red when preserved and taken care of over time can only get better. A bottle of red wine only has the potential to mature and challenge the test of time.

So now you might ask me what does this have to do with the MLP leadership contest. Well for some reason I compare most of the leadership contenders to bottles of white wine. They have the potential today. But can they get better over time? Speaking aloud I certainly believe that they are all valid individuals who certainly have the best interests of their party at heart. But can they beat the test of time and get better?

But then can there truly be a red bottle in the pack? Can there possibly be a good red bottle that can be preserved and taken care of to mature and get better and better over time? Afterall we are trying to choose a good bottle of wine. But we don't need to open it now. Actually it will be saved for a special occassion in the future. I guess you've got my point. And if you were to ask me, I think there can be one good bottle of red to choose from. I would prefer to leave that observation to me for now. But rest assured that we will all find out by June 5!


james tanti said...

Il-metafora ta' l-inbejjed differenti hija tassew f'waqtha ghal dak li ghaddej minnu l-Partit Laburista bhalissa. L-ghazla li ghandhom quddiemhom id-delegati Laburista hija ghazla ta' vera, varjata u mimlija energija. Ghazla bejn inbejjed ta' l-aqwa kwalita', kollha bit-toghmiet specjali taghhom, b'palat differenti, izda li fl-ahhar mill-ahhar ghandhom kollha l-ghan wiehed, li jissodisfaw ix-xewqa ta' nofs Malta u Ghawdex li l-pajjiz ikollu partit b'sahhtu li jibda jilhaq l-aspirazzjonijiet tal-maggoranza fil-pajjiz halli jgib fit-tmiemha, hakma ta' klikka mwahhla mas-siggu tal-poter. Din hija klikka li l-poter assumietu b'cens perpetwu u fl-ahhar elezzjoni bieghet ruhha u gisimha biex tigbor kull vot li setghet tigbor biex serqet l-elezzjoni u tibqa ggranfata mal-poter b'mizerja ta' 1500 vot maggoranza.

Minhabba din l-ghazla kollha li ghandhom quddiemhom id-delegati Laburisti, jista' jkun li tidher difficli ghax id-delegati jhossu responsabbilta kbira f'din l-ghazla li se jaghmlu. Nahseb li l-aktar li ghandhom izommu quddiemhom f'dan l-istadju id-delegati huma zewg affarijiet. Jekk humiex se jmorru ghal Inbid Abjad, Gdid u Frisk li tista tghid jinzillek ghasel ma' kul tip ta' ikel, specjalment fis-shana li dejjem ikollna f'dan il-pajjiz. Jew jekk imorrux ghal xi tip ta' nbid ahmar li ilu maqful 10 snin f'kantina u li meta tkun se tifthu donnu jkollok dubji kbar jekk meta tifthu, hux se ssib xi qrusa liema bhalha.

Jiena nghid ghaliha immur ghall-Frisk, ghall-Gdid u ma nehdux ir-riskju ta' nbid qadim ghax ma nafx x'se nsib ghalkemm naf ukoll li nista' nsib inbid li tjieb sew.Imma fis-sajf li dehlin fih, x'hemm itjeb minn ftit inbid abjad Gdid u Frisk?

Gozo Liberal said...

Thank you James for your comment. Very valid points and observations. Hence feel free to express your thoughts. But I believe that you misunderstood my line of thought and therefore I think it would be appropriate that I clarify.

My preferred red bottle has not been in a cellar for 10 years. Certainly not. Actually I am foreseeing that it is time for harvest and it now just might be the ideal time for the picking. My red wine will be produced and bottled in this time and moment. But such is it a particular vintage that I will save that good bottle of red for a future date and open it for that special occasion. Our bottle of white will be bottled now as well. But as I mentioned, can it get better than the red over time?

Gozo Liberal said...

It was interesting to read today in the newspapers that George Abela has chosen to use a wine metaphor. But may I ask... why would I bottle new wine in old barrels? Looking at the demographics of George's crowds, it is quite obvious to conclude on who is using the old barrels!!